Our focus is to offer solutions to investors who wish to positively contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their investments, which is why impact is one of our core metrics. Our impact strategy focuses on seven specific SDGs, for our investments to be part of the larger effort to address the world’s most significant challenges.
We place special care in quantifying and catalyzing the positive impact of our investments, at every stage of the cycle, starting from sourcing. We exclusively support companies which positively impact at least 3 of our target SDGs through their core business.
Our investments are required to adhere to our structured Environmental and Social Monitoring System, which sets clear impact indicators and targets based on the nature of the investment. We work in partnership with sustainability consultants, to ensure the most adequate indicators are selected and our objectives successfully achieved.
As part of our commitment to achieving impact we adhere to both the UN's Principles for Responsible Investment and the IFC's new Operating Principles for Impact Management.
As PRI Signatories we:
Incorporate ESG issues into our investment analysis and decision-making processes.
Be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
Seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
Promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
Work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.
Report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.
As Signatories of the Operating Principles for Impact Management we:
Define strategic impact objectives, consistent with the investment strategy.
Manage strategic impact on a portfolio basis.
Establish the Manager’s contribution to the achievement of impact.
Assess the expected impact of each investment, based on a systematic approach.
Assess, address, monitor, and manage potential negative impacts of each investment.
Monitor the progress of each investment in achieving impact against expectations and respond appropriately.
Conduct exits considering the effect on sustained impact.
Review, document, and improve decisions and processes based on the achievement of impact and lessons learned.
Publicly disclose alignment with the Principles and provide regular independent verification of the alignment.